Tag Archives: Foreign currency exchange rates

Traveling in Europe While the U.S. Dollar Remains Strong

The surging U.S. dollar and the declining drop in transatlantic flights have helped the European vacation popular again. This is the perfect time for Americans to visit beautiful and diverse Europe, exploring hidden gems and popular destinations for pennies on the dollar. Travel now and travel well to these amazing destinations, where your American dollar stretches further than ever. Don’t forget to contact XchangeforAmerica during your planning phase, to get the best deal on foreign currency rates before you ever step on a plane. It’s always wise, though, to make sure the U.S. dollar has held its strength before planning a trip.

United Kingdom

The U.S. dollar is worth more than the pound, meaning you’ll get more for your money if you travel to this northern island. It has been decades since Americans have been able to get so much for so little here, so traveling there now is a smart idea. Remember that admission to major museums is free, and theater ticket outside London are cheaper than most of America’s major cities. Airfare to this area has also lowered to a reasonable rate.


This is another country where the dollar is stronger – in fact, it is among the most affordable destinations on the continent. Upscale hotels are less than 100 U.S. dollars, and the fine dining is nearly as cheap. Portugual is not one of Europe’s most popular destinations, so visit to avoid the crowds of the bigger points of interest. Tour castles, visit clean beaches, find medieval towns, and peruse the beautiful countryside.


These are typically the most expensive places to visit, however, their currencies have gone down recently. They are currently back on the map for American travelers, including a drop in airfare to get there. Visiting any of the capitals of any three countries here treats a traveler to elegance, tolerance, and exquisite design. However, as with all cities, you might find cheaper prices in rural areas. Review the exchange rates, purchase some foreign currency online today, and get traveling to these beautiful destinations.


This is one of Europe’s best-kept secrets, and it has currently been revealed as one of Europe’s cheapest places to visit. It hides pristine coastlines, distinct architecture including Roman ruins, medieval castles, and unique walled cities. Tourism has soared here, where visitors travel the cities or explore places such as Plitvice Lakes National Park.


Surprise! Spain has become highly affordable. This is partly due to the discounted flights mentioned above, but it’s also attributed to a stronger dollar. Hotels are cheaper overall, even in the cities, and if you find a cabin to use in the country, you’ll save more money. Exchange your money from the comfort of your couch, and you’ll be ready to enjoy the country named Most Tourist Friendly in no time.

No matter where you choose to travel in Europe, make sure you grab some local currency to cover small costs, such as smaller shops or rural restaurants. Take time now to enjoy a continent centuries old, while it’s still a great deal.

How to Save Money With Foreign Currency Exchange

Before you visit a currency exchange to purchase money for your next trip, you need to carefully monitor foreign currency exchange rates over time to try to get the most favorable rate possible. Rates fluctuate rapidly for foreign currency exchange rates depending on the country, and you should strongly consider picking a country to travel to based on the foreign currency exchange rate with your own country’s currency. Americans and several European countries benefit from a strong dollar and Euro compared to the currencies of several other countries, however the actual cost of traveling needs to be factored into the equation including the plane ticket costs and daily costs of entertainment at the destination country.

Time your foreign currency exchange purchase properly

If you plan on converting a large amount of your own currency into a foreign currency, you really need to be careful at planning the best time, when your country’s foreign currency exchange rate is at the highest value possible. Values do fluctuate rapidly, and you will often need to speak with a foreign currency exchange expert who can advise you on the proper timing and how to plan for large volume purchases for travel or other purposes, unless you are familiar with currency exchange yourself.

Use the same currency exchange to save money if you purchase multiple times

Services like Xchange of America can offer you discounts or incentives if you regularly need foreign currency exchange services due to living in a foreign country or regular travel. So, in addition to watching the foreign currency exchange rates you should also do business with one particular provider as another way to save money over time, especially if you think that you will be buying foreign currency multiple times. You can also save money on shipments by purchasing your foreign currency all from one service.

Get the advice of experts regarding foreign currency exchange

There are many factors involved in determining the right time to purchase foreign currency, and the right amount. If you aren’t sure how much you will need for traveling purposes, or if you are trying to make an investment, you can always contact Xchange of America for more information and advice on the right time to make a purchase. The complicated factors that regulate the value of a foreign currency need to be taken into account, and you can definitely benefit from getting advice if you are new to foreign currency exchange. Call Xchange of America if you have any questions about ways to save money on currency exchange services or if you wish to purchase foreign currency online anytime.

More Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Influences

There are a wide range of factors that influence foreign currency exchange rates, and we have discussed some of them on this blog. Foreign currency exchange rates are complicated and are influenced by many different factors as previously mentioned including interest rates, speculation, debt, economic instability, and more. All of these factors combine to influence foreign currency exchange, and the market can be quite volatile and rapidly changing. Getting familiar with the different influences on foreign currency exchange can help you determine when to buy a foreign currency and whether or not it is overvalued or undervalued based on these factors.

Deficits influence rates for foreign currency exchange

A country that currently has a deficit will have its foreign currency exchange rate impacted, usually negatively. A deficit shows that a country is importing more than it is exporting, and it is a sign of economic weakness. As a result there will be a lower demand for that country’s currency, and the country has to borrow foreign dollars in order to pay for its imports which increases demand for other country’s currencies. This is one of the major factors that influence the value of a foreign currency exchange, and many countries have had their currency values suffer due to running a consistent deficit over a period of years, but obviously there are many other factors involved.

Economic or political instability

Economic or political instability is one of the major factors that influence the value of foreign currency exchange; countries that are more politically unstable attract fewer investors because the environment is not conducive to business or economic progress. Economic stability shows that the country’s currency may not represent much in terms of purchasing power, especially if the country has a low gross domestic product and a low amount of experts.

Government intervention affects foreign currency exchange

Governments often intervene as a way to balance or tilt the value of a foreign currency into a more favorable direction. For example, the Chinese government has helped to close the “trade gap” with the United States by slowing the appreciation of the Yuan against the U.S. dollar through several interventions including buying U.S. dollars and purchasing U.S. treasury securities, as a way to keep surpluses of dollars out of exchange markets. Dollar surpluses would cause the Yuan to rise in value against the dollar, which is undesirable because China benefits from a strong dollar, and a weak dollar compared to the Yuan would lead to decreased imports from China.

Price Influences When You Buy Foreign Currency Online

Currency exchange rates can be influenced by several different factors including the supply and demand for a particular currency, inflation, speculation, strength compared to other currencies, and several other factors. If you are looking to buy foreign currency online you should be aware of all of the factors that influence foreign currency exchange rates and try to time your currency purchase so that you will receive the most value for each U.S. dollar or other currency that you spend. Knowing some of the factors that influence foreign currency exchange rates in detail will help you before you buy foreign currency online.

Interest rates affect how much you spend when you buy foreign currency online

The interest rates of the foreign country whose currency you are trying to buy will influence how much you have to spend. When one foreign country’s interest rate falls higher or lower than another country, there will be more selling of the country’s currency with a lower interest rate. The country with a lower interest rate thus usually has a higher demand than the country with a higher interest rate, and this results in a higher value for that currency when you buy foreign currency online. So if you are wondering why a foreign country’s values have increased or declined lately, look at the interest rate as one factor.

Speculation also influences foreign currency value

The value of a foreign currency that will affect how much you spend when you buy currency online is also influenced by speculation. If the market is speculating that a particular foreign currency will rise in value, it will be purchased quickly and the value of that currency will start to rise. Likewise, if the market speculates that the currency will decline in value it will start selling off the currency, and the value of the currency will begin to decline. Supply and demand are another major factor here that determine how much you spend when you buy foreign currency online.

Talk to a currency exchange expert before you buy foreign currency online

XChange of America are experts at foreign currency and can answer any questions that you have about how foreign currency exchange rates are adjusted based on several factors. Before you buy foreign currency online be sure to speak with one of the currency exchange experts at Xchange of America and you can get detailed information about the currency of the country you are interested in.

Advice For Money Broker Wannabes

The job description for a money changer or money broker is pretty straightforward. Simply, this calling earns its keep by converting one type of currency to another for a fee. The main clients of money changers are the international travelers who will need to change cash from their home currency to the currency of their destination. Conversely, travelers returning from abroad will need the services of a money broker to change back to their home currency any foreign currency left from their trip. Money changing services are now provided either online or in person.

A corporation or an individual can operate this type of business by obtaining an offshore money broker license. Income is primarily generated from the fee charged for handling the currency, calculating the foreign currency exchange rates, charging the fee, and delivering the client’s needed currency. A business can also derive profit from the fluctuations in forex rates in the international markets.

Engaging in the money-changing business can be a lucrative undertaking. International travel, hassles on airport security checks notwithstanding, remains as active as ever. Additionally, the increasing globalization of business saw more and more ventures overseas. Movement of assets from one country to another and transfer of currencies to tax havens are also contributors to the demand for money brokers. Foreign currency exchange rates can also fluctuate widely, leaving a generous room for profitability.

A minimum of about $27,000 investment, plus an annual operating budget of around $12,500, will be needed to set up an offshore money-changing business. A group of shareholders can be involved in funding the establishment of this business, an operation that will subsequently entail having a set of company officers and electing a board of directors.

As in setting up any company, organizing a foreign currency exchange business will require more than routine paperwork to wade through. Applying for the license for the forex operations can be a complicated task that would require the need for a service provider which already has an inside track on foreign currency trading.  For starters, the various international jurisdictions where a foreign currency exchange business operates can vastly differ in terms of policies. There has to be a thorough study on the taxation and regulations on the business.

Ideally, an offshore money broker should operate in a jurisdiction offering some tax advantages, less paperwork and red tape, lower operating costs and overhead. Additionally, the jurisdiction to go for should have adequate regulations i regarding private assets and forex transactions. Such a jurisdiction should also have a pool of competent professionals to assist in establishing and running the money-changing business. Having all these in place opens the possibility of outsourcing some functions and, in the process, enhancing profitability for a foreign currency exchange business.

Understanding How Currency Exchange Transactions Work

When it comes to exchanging your country’s currency to another currency then the foreign currency exchange rates become important. Example is when you’re planning to visit Britain. While in Britain you have to shop or pay using Euro or British Pounds. To exchange your country’s currency for either Euro or Pounds, you need to visit a bank. The banks will convert your currency to the currency you want to have using the updated rate. The currency rate however keeps fluctuating so you are more likely to receive different amounts at various times.

The rate fluctuation is advantageous to currency traders who buy and sell currencies to earn profits. In some instances, retail customers participate in currency exchange markets as well as speculators, hoping to earn profits as currency values fluctuate.

In basic economics, increase in the supply equates to decrease in the price of the goods. Therefore, if your country has increased currency supply, you need more of this currency to be able to buy other currencies. This simply means that the currency with increased supply is devalued. In the foreign currency exchange market, the price and quantity of the currencies will continue to fluctuate. Currency supply in the market is affected by various factors.

The factors that affect the exchange market include speculators, foreign investors, export companies, and the central banks.

Foreign investors: This procedure includes currency exchange. A foreigner with plans to invest or do business in your country needs to convert his currency to the local currency before he can start making investments. This will increase his country’s currency supply thus depreciating its value in the exchange market. On the other hand, your country’s currency supply will decrease thus appreciating its value.

Export Companies: Example for this is a US-based export company distributing its goods and products to a company located in France. The US company will receive money from France for the products however the money will be of no use in the US so the currency must be exchanged. The US export company needs to sell the Euros received from France in the exchange market. This transaction will increase the Euro supply and decrease the dollar supply. In this situation, the value of dollar will appreciate but the value of the Euro currency will depreciate.

Speculators and Central banks: The exchange markets have a lot of speculators that are driven by the currency’s fluctuating movement in the global market. The US Central Bank, Federal Reserve, is the one that controls the country’s currency supply. To increase the country’s money supply, additional dollar bills will be printed by Federal Reserve. Central banks keep lots of currencies in reserve to influence the exchange market when needed.

Sending Money Abroad With Foreign Currency Exchange Rates In Mind

Different countries utilize various monetary currencies. Thus, if you are thinking of traveling to another country, you need to include the country’s currency in your list of things to have. To make this possible, you have to exchange your country’s currency with the monetary currency of the country you plan to go to. This exchange of money is normally referred to as forex. Individuals and establishments that offer such service charge a minimal fee for the transaction.

Foreign exchange however is not associated with the currency exchange, which includes other services such as wire transfer of money to another country. Currency conversion is also involved when doing wire transfer. These transactions are governed by several regulations and laws.

For a number of travelers, bringing cash while traveling is not safe. Thus most travelers bring traveler’s check, which they can exchange for cash when there is a need to use cash. This type of service is supported by the foreign monetary exchange. Individuals who exchange currencies also liquefy and issue traveler’s checks in various currencies. One great advantage of having traveler’s check is being able to replace it with ease once lost.

A standard exchange rate must be adhered by individuals involved in the transaction. The rate is the number of the units that a currency can be exchanged for with the other currencies. The rate is not fixed. It fluctuates several times depending on various factors such as the demand for the particular currency and the currency’s purchasing power. The factors affect the worth of the currency in the international market. A number of non-financial factors such as political situations and government policies also influence the currency rate.

Understanding the fact that such transactions are not charged using the prevailing rates all the time is necessary. Usually, exchange services are done using lower rates and the fee charged by the exchangers. Thus, a lot of people compare various exchangers prior to making transactions. Minor differences among exchangers can be significant, especially if the transactions involve large amounts.

Daily newspapers usually print the exchange rates, which can be found in the newspaper’s finance section. However the rates may have already changed as soon as the newspapers hit the stand. People dealing with currencies are better at monitoring the exchange rates. In several countries, small-time money changers offer such services. It is essential for travelers to deal with accredited currency exchange establishments when making the transactions.