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4 Tips for Traveling to Haiti

Haiti hosts one of the poorest nations on Earth, and you have to be prepared for that. It has also many beautiful things that you can enjoy, yet you have to be prepared for anything in terms of potential crime and your safety. There are several things you can do to prepare yourself while in this country. You can buy currency online from our website ahead of your trip, including the Haitian gourde, but be careful to avoid buying too much of it.

Stay Cool

Lightweight clothing is what you need to pack if you want to stay cool in this country. Silk, cotton, and linen are excellent materials for the clothing that you use in Haiti. Packing a pair of hiking shoes will be fine too. Dress for the weather, and during much of the year it is quite warm, so check the weather ahead of your visit.

A lightweight jacket will be good if the weather is expected to dip down in the evenings. A conservative bathing suit will be fine for scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming. Sunscreen is a good idea to keep your skin healthy from the hot Haitian sun. Packing a mosquito repellent will allow you to keep mosquitos away whenever you need to, and you can use a spray for this purpose as well. It can be essential to pack this because some areas have heavy numbers of mosquitos.


Packing your prescriptions is recommended as you may not be able to find several prescriptions in Haiti. Your doctor can give you a letter that can be used by a local healthcare provider if you need prescriptions once you have arrived or other medical supplies. Medicine to prevent malaria sickness will be necessary as well, and your doctor can let you know about other medications that you will need to take prior to your trip and during it.

The CDC recommends that you become vaccinated for hepatitis A and typhoid along with other routine vaccinations prior to your trip. Other vaccines may be recommended depending on where you are traveling such as cholera or rabies.

Contact Lenses

Packaging a pair of contact lenses is also good if you have to get new ones when you damage yours over time. Packaging spare glasses is always good in case that you have damaged yours. It unquestionably will be difficult to find new glasses or contact lenses if you lose them when you are abroad in Haiti, so be sure to bring some kind of backup.

Taking these tips into consideration will help you to be on the safe side when traveling to any poor country such as Haiti.


Only travel in areas that you are familiar with, and work with a local tour or guide so that you know which areas are the most dangerous to avoid. Do not stray far from security or venture out in evenings. Keep valuables away and don’t carry much cash.

Be prepared to deal with any emergency here. Choose light clothing that will allow you to stay cool longer when traveling to Haiti.


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